Wednesday- Walk of Fame

What a busy day at CYC!

There were so many things going on today! There were the usual great things like cabin activities and individual activities but also some exciting things that were just a little different than usual.

This weekend a local restaurant is holding a hula hoop contest and several of the staff are in serious training to prepare for the competition. And because of this hula hooping is sweeping through camp! At each break time campers and staff have been hula hooping like crazy! The record is 33 minutes straight so far but with each day there is improvement so who knows how long some of the campers will go tomorrow? The excitement has been building and today with a $20 gift card to the camp store as a prize campers and staff set out to win the title (and the $$) in an intense competition. There were some amazing hula hoopers and so the final round of competition got pushed until tomorrow but today was an exciting start!

During the second break time of the day in addition to the hula hooping an impromptu dance party busted out. With campers hula hooping and dancing the whole scene was one big celebration!

What were we celebrating?! Being at camp of course! Sometimes when you are having that much fun you just have to break into dance or do something crazy like hula hoop!

This morning the all-camp activity was an ultra-fun set of walk-of-fame themed relays. There was the dizzy dress up (campers had to spin around and then get dressed in costumes run down and hand off to the next teammate pass the hula hoop and many more. It was competitive but one of the things we focus on most at CYC is that the most important thing (even more important than winning) is cheering for your team supporting each other as we try new things being a good sport and having cabin spirit. All of those things were on display today and all of the groups won!

Our ‘C’ of the day was Christ. Not only are we a community that PLAYS together we are a community that PRAYS together. Father Paul from McGregor joined us this afternoon and we took some time away from the crazy silly camp activities and celebrated Mass together. 

After dinner (Tacos!) we rotated through Walk-of-Fame stations and did activities all over camp. One station was the photo shoot (groups came up with their best poses) movie trivia decorate your own Hollywood star charades and dance moves. Campers are ready to be famous!

For our final activity of the evening we turned on the disco ball blasted the music and let loose at the FABULOUS dance party! It must be all that hula hooping because these kids can dance! 

Whew! Are you tired from reading all of that? We have had a JAM PACKED day of fun! 

Have you been on our Pinterest Board yet? CHeck out lots of great articles about the benefit of camp-


"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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