Packing List

What you should and should not bring to CYC

Please remember that at camp we get dirty, wet, spend time at arts and crafts (with paint, glue, etc.), and do a variety of activities that will cause clothes and shoes to come home much rougher than when they came to camp. Please don’t send items that you expect to stay clean.

**Please label all items that you pack with your child’s name**

Cabin Items

  • Sleeping bag
  • Sheet to cover the mattress
  • Pillow
  • Flashlight
  • Beach towel


  • 5 masks
  • hand sanitizer
  • 3 pairs of shorts
  • 1 pair of long pants
  • 4 tee shirts/tanks
  • 1 sweatshirt or jacket
  • pajamas
  • 1 set of clothes that can get muddy/sticky/stained/etc.
  • underwear & socks
  • swimsuit
  • raincoat or poncho
  • athletic shoes and/or heavy duty sandals
    • Flip flops are NOT suitable camp footwear
    • While Crocs in ‘sport mode’ are acceptable please note they are not recommended as injury rates during running games tend to be higher. A pair of running shoes is highly encouraged in addition to Crocs.


  • Durable Waterbottle-please label!
  • Bug repellant
  • Sunscreen
  • Toothbrush/paste
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Brush/comb
  • Small bag or container to carry toiletries to and from shower
  • Flip flops (for shower use only!)
  • Bath towel/wash cloth

***Medications (prescription or over the counter) MUST be turned in at check in. Campers should not have medication in their luggage. Prescription medication MUST be in an original, labeled bottle.

Optional Items

  • Bible
  • Rosary (for daily Divine Mercy Chaplet)
  • Camera/film
  • Books
  • Stuffed animal
  • Pictures
  • Hat/sunglasses
  • Stationary/envelopes/stamps


  • Food/Candy (attracts critters)
  • Blow dryer/curling iron (fire hazard)
  • Hazardous Sports Equipment (archery items, etc.)
  • Electronics (video games, iPods, cell phones, CD players)
  • Cash
  • Valuables of any sort



 Flip flops are NOT suitable camp footwear. Please pack appropriate shoes!

CYC Dress Code

Modest is Hottest at CYC

At Catholic Youth Camp, campers, staff and guests are expected to respect God, each other and oneself at all times. Modesty includes appropriate behavior, language and conversation, and appropriate dress.

Anyone not acting modestly will be asked to change (behavior, language, clothing, etc.) or will be asked to leave.
Because modern fashion does not always fall into the modest category, here are some guidelines to follow when packing for CYC:
  • No inappropriate words or pictures on any clothing (ie- vulgar language, violent, sexual, discriminatory, offensive, or tobacco or alcohol promoting content).
  • No visible underwear
  • No extremely tight clothing
  • You must be fully dressed in all common areas (ie- shirts must stay on while playing sports, etc.)


  • No cleavage-baring and/or midriff-baring shirts
  • Shirts that are transparent (see-through), expose a bare back, halter tops, and tube tops are prohibited
  • Tank top straps must be at least 1-inch wide


  • Must be worn at the waist (sagging is not allowed)
  • Shorts must reach fingertips when arms hang at your side

Bathing Suits

  • Females: one-piece suits recommended, however, two-piece suits that meet are allowed as long as they are modestly cut. No string, thong, or crochet suits allowed.
  • Males: swim trunks only (no Speedo or bikini style)


  • Flip flops are for the shower only! Uneven terrain, active programming, and the overall camp environment require more support and coverage than flip flops offer.
  • Crocs are not recommended but, if brought, must have a usable strap for ‘sport mode’.
  • High-heeled or dress shoes are not appropriate camp footwear.


"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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