Tuesday- Walk of Fame

 What a perfect day at CYC! The ridiculous heat from yesterday got washed away with some light rain overnight and by the time we woke up and finished breakfast the weather was mild (mid 70s) and perfect for a morning filled with archery canoeing sports geocaching fort building and much more. This week is Walk of Fame week so not only were cabins busy with the traditional camp activities but they were also filming videos today. Each cabin chose a camp song out of a hat and have been creating videos based on those songs. We are eager to screen them on Thursday night because the footage that kids were filming today was very creative!

After a delicious lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup and cabin rest time campers divided into individual activities. The drama groups worked on their skits for the talent show the arts and crafts kids were making paper mache masks the sports group played volleyball fishers fished swimmers swam campers shot archery/slingshots/and thew tomahawks canoers canoed and outdoor adventure campers built a tee pee! It was a busy afternoon!

Dinner was tater tot hotdish and then we headed to the center of camp for a fast paced game of FUZZ BALL! This is a game that we invented at CYC. Campers have to collect all 5 fuzz balls for their team without getting tagged and sent to jail or tagged by the snachers. It was a wild game with many rounds!

As if we hadn’t already packed enough activity into the day after FUZZ BALL we sang and cheered our way down to the friendship circle for the tuesday campfire. We were entertained by a hilarious counselor show sang lots of songs and then we made s’mores while singing more songs (many in a British accent standing on one leg and extra fast– camp songs are extra fun when you do them in with a little variety!).

After the campfire we ended the day in Praise and Worship. Our ‘C’ for the day is Charity. In addition to listening to a talk about why charity is important we raised the roof and shook the rafters with our enthusiastic singing (accompanied by the CYC Jam Band!).

We are having a blast and excited for more adventures tomorrow.

Have you visited the CYC YouTube channel yet? Check out slideshows from previous weeks goofy videos of camp staff and much more! http://www.youtube.com/user/cyc1947?feature=watch 

"CYC means a lot to me, it means growing in faith, having friendships that may last forever and just having fun." - Jennifer

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