Tuesday- Splish Splash

Splish splash week indeed!

Today was a little soggy but it was still a great day.  When we woke up this morning it was a little rainy but by the time we were done with our french toast and sauage and morning Holy Ground the sun was out for a while and cabins were busy with morning activities. After camp store break time campers headed to Sweeney (the dining hall) to work together with a variety of supplies to build contraptions to protect a water balloon. Each group had a slightly different idea and it was exciting to see the team work and enthusiasm coming from each group. Once the contraptions were complete we went onto the deck and dropped them to the ground! There were some big SPLATS and there were a few safe water balloons. Ultimately there was a lot of cheering and cabin spirit which is the most important thing at CYC!

Afternoon activities were changed around a little bit because of the rain but everyone stayed busy with fun things like games crafts and silliness. 

After dinner Settler boys joined Camp Dogs Olivia and Griffin on the field and spent some time running out their energy (both the boys and the dogs) while chasing the ball. Even though it was raining everyone had a lot of fun. The rest of the groups were busy with group pictionary indoor 9 square and other fun games. 

This evening we "busted a move" at the FABULOUS dance party! The disco ball set the mood and plenty of Justin Bieber One Direction and other pop music kept the campers movin’ and groovin’! Everyone danced until they were ready to drop! 

We’re having tons of fun and can’t wait for the adventures that tomorrow will bring.

Check out our Pinterest page and read some articles about why camp is such a beneficial experience.



"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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