Tuesday of Hawaiian Week

Today was such a great day! Gorgeous weather, happy campers and so many fun things!

We began the day with polar bear plunge and then it was time for breakfast (scrambled eggs and sausage). Morning chapel was next (charity was the ‘C’ of the day) and then an hour of cabin activities. Cabins were canoeing, playing sports, working on arts and crafts, fishing, and swimming. Our 11:30 all camp activity was SUPER fun! Campers had to run from station to station, without getting tagged.

Lunch was corn dogs, sweet potato fries, and green beans. Then it was off to our cabins for some rest time.

This afternoon was gorgeous sunny and a perfect day at camp. Canoers were out and about and drama was getting their act ready for the talent show. Archery was aiming, paddle boarders were paddling, and swimmers were swimming! It was a busy day!

Dinner was chicken tacos, black beans and spanish rice, with cake for dessert.

But the fun wasn’t over yet! After prime time (which includes games, camp store time, hanging out in the sky chairs, etc), it was time to head to the Friendship Circle for a campfire! We sang tons of songs each cabin performed their cabin cheer and then we made some yummy s’mores! After everyone had enjoyed a s’more, counselors put on some awesome counselor skits that were hilarious! It was lots of fun!

After that it was time to raise the roof in praise and worship- singing so loud you could probably hear us across the lake!

It was a great day at camp!!

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"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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