Thursday- Walk of Fame

 It was our last full day of camp this week and so we crammed as much goodness as we could possibly cram into a day! 

On Sunday everyone received a custom button of their name. In a strong community everyone uses each others’ names so the buttons help us do that. But sometimes it is tough to remember your button so we also created "button bucks". At random times throughout the day if lead staff see you wearing your button they might give you a button buck (which is actually a raffle ticket that you put your name on and enter in a drawing). On Tuesday we drew 6 names and those lucky winners got to be FIRST to make their s’mores. Today we drew 9 lucky winners and those people got to go to a TOP SECRET totally off limits area of camp- the Director’s house! They got to tour the house and then hang out and eat warm M&M cookies and drink milk. They even got a chance to see some baby pictures of Olivia and Griffin when they were puppies. 

The morning theme activity was two different crazy activities. First because these campers are in training to be famous we had them practice their facial expressions by moving an oreo cookie from their forehead to their mouths. It was impressive how well they could move their face muscles. After they were warmed up they had a challenge to build a trophy using just mini-marshmallows and spaghetti noodles. Their trophies deserved a trophy! (We awarded cabin spirit points instead).

The weather was perfect today and it was a great day to have an archery/throwing tomahawk/slingshot competition canoe around the lake play sports go fishing and go swimming. The drama group and dance groups were busy with last minute rehearsal for the talent show and outdoor adventures were building fires and learning how to survive!

After dinner cabins went to a movie premier of the latest blockbuster releases- filmed earlier this week by each cabin group. Groups chose a camp song and then acted out either the song the back story of the song or some variation. They will be on our YouTube channel soon. 

After the movies we were in the mood to be entertained and we were in luck because Thursday night is the FANTASTIC talent show! There were skits dances singing groups jokes and it was amazing to see how much talent our campers and staff have! 

We took a 20 minute break to go to the field run and play like crazy and burn off some of our energy and then we were back to the Friendship Circle for our closing Praise and Worship. Since it is the last of the week we did things a little different and enjoyed being in nature while we prayed. Our ‘C’ of the day is COMMUNITY and we talked about all of the people (campers staff parents volunteers donors alumni) who go into making CYC such a strong community. There are other camps out there with similar activities but none can compare to us because we are a community based in faith that comes together to have fun make friends and connect through our shared love of God. That’s pretty powerful! 

Tonight cabins are enjoying one more night together. As this is being typed the Pathfinder boys are star gazing the Leaders-in-Training are camping in tents and the other cabins are busy packing sharing memories of the week and having fun.

"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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