Thursday of Teen Takeover

Another full fabulous day at CYC. Once again we began with early morning activities and polar bear plunge. Breakfast was omlets and and then it was time for morning chapel. Our ‘C’ of the day was community- which is fitting because throughout the week we’ve been using all of the C’s to build an awesome fun respectful encouraging community. CYC is definitely the best place to be because of our community. 

Our morning all camp activity was the mud pit. Cabins competed in tug-o-war over our giant sloppy mud pit. But the real fun comes afterwards when each cabin has the chance to jump in the mud pit and get COVERED in ooey gooey messy mud. Some campers went in just a little bit and some slid in head first! Almost everyone ended up with some mud on them. Once everyone was good and messy we all headed down to the beach to wash off. 

Lunch was meatball subs and tater tots (another camp favorite!)

Activities were in full swing. The dance and drama groups were busy rehearsing and perfecting their acts for the big show canoers were enjoying a long paddle on the lake campfire cooking made banana boats (banana with lots of yummy toppings baked over the fire) arts and crafts made string bowls fishing was out on the boat looking for the hot spots and archery was hitting those bulls eyes.

Dinner was burritos and then it was time for a little cabin free time. Some cabins were getting ready for the talent show some were playing speedball some played volleyball but all were excited for the upcoming talent show.

And what a show it was! We have the most talented campers around and the Thursday talent show was proof of that! It was a great show with lots of laughs and much entertainment. There was singing dancing rapping skits and lots of comedy. 

A full day but we weren’t done yet! Teen Takeover is the one time during the summer that we show a movie and tonight after packing up our stuff taking showers and getting ready for bed we headed back to Sweeney to watch Mulan and eat lots of popcorn. A great end to a great day!

Whew! What a great final full day of camp! We look forward to seeing the parents who are coming to our closing program tomorrow (which will begin at 1:15pm). Thank you for leaving your pets at home!

"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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