Thursday of Splish Splash Week

 Another great day at CYC! The sun was shining and campers were busy having fun all day! Be sure to check out the photo gallery to SEE all of our adventures!

This afternoon we welcomed Father Mike McLain from the Superior Diocese who joined us to celebrate Mass. We are not just a community that PLAYS together we are a community that PRAYS together! 

This evening was our FANTASTIC TALENT SHOW! It’s a well-known fact that CYC has the MOST talented campers and we enjoyed quite the show! There were two drama groups performing a skit and comedy improv 2 dance groups doing some great routines several performances by cabin groups some AMAZING singers and more than one comedian keeping us laughing! It was a great show!

Tomorrow is our last day of the week but the fun hasn’t ended yet! We are excited to go to bed so we can get to Friday activities and the Parent Day Ceremony! 

"I love how every night we do devotions. And Sunset beach is the best place to hang out, and our cabins are very awesome too!!! Sweeney is very fun. We always have the dance party there, which is my favorite thing. They always have fun activities and we always like doing them." - Isabel

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