Thursday of CYC’s Favorite Things

Our last full day of camp was possibly the best yet! What a great day!!

Because we stayed up late last night, we had late breakfast this morning, so that we could all sleep in! We started the day with some breakfast pizza and then we had a short amount of free time and then it was time for mass (we finished breakfast at 9:30 and mass didn’t start until 10:15, in case you were worried!). We came together as a community to celebrate being Catholic, which is really the whole reason we are here!

At 11:30, it was time for the FANTASTIC talent show! We have the most talented campers around, so it was a great show! There was singing, dancing, skits and more! It was so impressive to see our campers perform!

Lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup! Yum! Then it was rest time.

This afternoon, activities were in full swing… it was a perfect sunny, breezy, warm beautiful day.

Dinner was super nachos with beef and black beans, with rice krispie treats for dessert!

After dinner, we had some time to pack up cabins and hang out and then if was time for our recognition ceremony where each camper received a bead necklace representing the summer of 2018 and the 5 Cs (courage, charity, community, cooperation and Christ). We listened to a story that explained the meaning of the 5 Cs and walked by torch light to the campfire circle to celebrate each camper. It was a powerful way to end our week.

Whew! What a great final full day of camp! We look forward to seeing the parents who are coming to our closing program tomorrow (which will begin at 1:15pm).

Thank you for leaving your pets at home.

If your camper is riding the bus home, we will return to the Roseville Professional Center around 5:00pm.

"I love how every night we do devotions. And Sunset beach is the best place to hang out, and our cabins are very awesome too!!! Sweeney is very fun. We always have the dance party there, which is my favorite thing. They always have fun activities and we always like doing them." - Isabel

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