Sunday of H2O Extreme

It’s been a great first day of the week! The sun was shining and it was HOT as parents and the bus dropped the campers off. Once everyone had arrived we divided into cabins to get to know each other move into our bunks and then tour around camp playing games doing activities and talking about the week ahead.  

Dinner was pizza and popcorn chicken (a camp favorite) and then it was time for more touring and games. On Sunday nights campers sign up for the three individual activities they will do each day for one hour. Campers choose between arts and crafts archery/slingshot/tomahawk canoe/kayak fishing dance drama sports campfire cooking swimming and choir. Cabins also sign up for activities that they will do as a group (including the activities listed above as well as options for low ropes creating a talent show act theme activities or nature). Campers are very busy during the week!!

At 7:30 we all headed to the flagpole to lower the flag for the night and then into the chapel for evening praise and worship. At CYC we have 5 C’s which are our values and how we live our lives at camp. The 5 C’s are courage cooperation charity Christ and community. Each day has a different ‘C’ and on the first night of chapel besides talking about all 5 C’s overall we focus on courage since it takes courage to come to camp and meet new friends try new things and have a new experience. We sang praise and worship songs (CYC has a very talented Jam Band that keeps the music flowing!) listened to Counselor Riley speak about his experience with courage and ended chapel with the CYC prayer. 

Dear God

Please bless and watch over our community as we gather in faith.

Help us to be courageous to try new things to be charitable by sharing with others and to work together in cooperation.

Let us always meet each other with kindness acceptance and an open heart.

Keep us safe today as we learn grow and play in your creation. Amen.


After chapel it was time for our opening campfire. We sang some fun camp songs talked about how to make the week ahead a "perfect world" at camp and learned about the cabin spirit award. The cabin spirit award is given out at the end of the week to the cabin that best demonstrates the 5 Cs all week. It is the highest honor at CYC. 

We all joined together to learn the CYC cheer and ended the campfire with a lot of excitement for the week! 

The rain held off until everyone was done taking showers getting ready for bed and were tucked nicely into cabins. It may be H2O Extreme week but the weather is cooperating nicely!

It’s going to be an awesome week at camp!

Keep up with our adventures this week on our photo site-

"I love how every night we do devotions. And Sunset beach is the best place to hang out, and our cabins are very awesome too!!! Sweeney is very fun. We always have the dance party there, which is my favorite thing. They always have fun activities and we always like doing them." - Isabel

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