Sunday- Multi Adventure Challenge Week
It’s Multi Adventure Challenge Week!!
Campers arrived this afternoon filled with enthusiasm and energy and were eager to join together in cabin groups to get to know each other. Once campers were in cabin groups they started teambuilders and name games and then groups gathered their luggage and moved into cabins.
Dinner was a camp favorite (pizza) and then cabin groups headed all around camp to complete a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was a good chance to get to tour camp learn some interesting facts and get to know everyone in the cabin. It also gave the cabin a chance to write their cabin cheers! It was also a great time to get excited about the week!
Cabin spirit is incredibly important to us at CYC and all week long cabins will be singing their cabin cheers encouraging each other in positive sportsmanship and working to earn spirit points.
One of the ways cabins can earn spirit points is when campers use the 5 Cs. At opening Praise and Worship we discussed the 5 Cs (courage charity cooperation community and Christ) and how we can use them each day to help us be better people (while also earning spirit points).
After discussing the 5 Cs and singing several great songs in chapel campers were off to the opening campfire to sing songs watch some counselor skits get a preview of the week ahead and enjoy being together as a community! And because it is a special week we also made some s’mores to really kick things off with a bang (of sugar!).
Also at the campfire Camp DIrector Natalie explained the Sweeney Cup. This week cabins will be competing in a variety of challenges to earn points. The highest number of points will earn the prestigious Sweeney Cup! We’ll go into more detail in later blog posts… stay tuned!
This afternoon campers signed up for individual activities and will begin art throwing fishing canoeing and much more tomorrow!
We are off to a strong start with lots of smiling faces and bubbling energy. It is sure to be a wonderful week! Keep up with us on facebook check out our photo site and be sure to check back for daily blog updates!