
Military day!!!!!!!!

As part of the Operation Purple program during the week OPC camps host a “military day” for kids to learn more about the military. Today was the day!

The National Guard was a HUGE help in making this day possible. With over 20 soldiers at camp to run activities this was a day to remember! There were several stations throughout camp that cabins rotated over the course of the day.

Stations included- M113 (”Frank the Tank”) rides a “wrecker” that campers got to climb on and learn about 2 chemical detecting trucks learning about compasses a climbing wall MREs (yum!) night vision goggles uniform and gear trying on face paint as well as 2 humvees and many huge trucks. It was an amazing sight to see all around camp!

Campers rotated through these stations until the late afternoon then took an hour break to rest and then headed back to activities! Top priority- swimming for everyone!

As if we hadn’t already crammed an OUTRAGEOUS amount of fun into the day tonight is the FABULOUS dance party!!! As this is being typed the field is ROCKING! Campers are showing off their moves and groovin’ like crazy! An awesome way to end an extraordinary day!!

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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