OPC- Wednesday

 What a busy day at OPC!

We started the day with cabin activities- groups were busy canoeing fishing and preparing for the talent show tomorrow 

Afternoon activities were in full swing today! The art group was busy with clay sculptures the canoe/kayak group played "follow the leader" around the lake and worked on improving their strokes the fishing group didn’t catch any fish but they played a great game of fish trivia while on the boat waiting for fish. The dance group worked on their routine for the talent show and campfire cooking made bread in a dutch oven over the campfire! 

After dinner and a little bit of cabin free time we turned on the disco ball blasted the music and let loose at the FABULOUS dance party! And you better believe these kids can dance! 

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"CYC means a lot to me, it means growing in faith, having friendships that may last forever and just having fun." - Jennifer

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