
What a DAY!! So many awesome things!

We apologize for the delay in blogging and photos- the entire area lost internet for the day. However we are in the process of uploading 600 photos from the day so check back in the morning for those.

We began the day like normal (super fun but normal). We were busy with Morning Ops breakfast Squadron Formation and then we began stations of lots of cool activities. There was a letter writing station bead bracelets paper airplanes 20 questions and board games. We were busy switching between stations and enjoying ourselves when all of a sudden a Blackhawk helicopter was overhead…. and then it landed on our field!!

Our Camp Director LOVES surprises and someone must have known that because we were expecting the helicopter tomorrow! Luckily the stations were all near the field and everyone was able to see the helicopter land.

The pilots were awesome and told us all about the helicopter and their jobs. Then we spent the morning rotating through our normal cabin activities (art canoeing swimming etc) as well as visiting the helicopter. We took every single camper and staff’s photo so be sure to check out the pictures from today!

The rest of the day was busy with swimming (perfect for a super hot day like today) games art canoeing fishing dance drama and more! After dinner 9 soldiers from the Army National Guard arrived. Tomorrow is Military Day so they came to spend the night and get ready for the fun! They brought tons of equipment and it was quite a sight to see as they pulled up to camp!

They joined us for the evening campfire and told us about their experience with deployment we asked lots of questions and of course made some s’mores!

We are having fun getting to know new friends learning new skills and enjoying our time together!!

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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