
The first full day of camp has been a success!!

The days started out with “Morning Ops”- cabins discussing the plan for the day and breakfast (apple turnovers!!) flag raising and then Squadron Formation (which was the whole camp together learning about the concept “Leave No Trace” and taking care of the environment).

The first activity of the day was high energy group games! Cabins played “dead cow” (counselors called out different kind of cows such as “laughing cow” and campers had to do their best impression such as “moo who who“) ships across the ocean and several other really fun awesome games to start the day with a burst.

After that campers took part in an all camp scavenger hunt. From the Welcome Center the sounds of 110 campers running screaming laughing and yelling was an amazing thing to witness. Campers had 30 fill-in-the-blank questions and around camp there were 30 answers hidden all over. Campers had to run around looking for the answers trying to be the first group to complete the scavenger hunt. It was intense and fun!

After lunch and rest time campers spent time in cabin activities (arts and crafts canoe and kayaking fishing sports swimming dance drama orienteering archery slingshots throwing tomahawks and fort building) and also individual choice activities (all of the above plus creative writing and group games). It was a busy fun awesome day of trying new things making friends and of course HAVING FUN!!

After another delicious dinner we did an activity called “Wall of Honor”. Campers brought photos of their military parents (or drew them if they didn’t have a photo). In cabin groups campers discussed who their military member is what they do why they are special and then we hung all photos together in the dining hall so that those parents could be present during the week.

As if we hadn’t crammed enough fun into the day already the last activity of the day was a camp favorite- Angels and Demons!! Angels are stationed around the woods and campers must run to each one get a signature and then run back to put the paper in their team bucket. Whichever team has the most points wins! However there are some scary demons lurking in the forest (don’t worry it’s just the counselors!). If they tag you you have to give up your paper and start over. So campers must be clever quick and run fast! It is intense and very fun!

The weather has been wonderful the campers have been enthusiastic and spirited and if the beginning of the week is an indication we are going to have an OUTSTANDING time for the next few days!!!!

Be sure to check out pictures of all of our fun- http://www.bunk1.com/template/login.asp?origin=/template/community.asp&form_camp_id=9313.

"CYC to me is a fun, uplifting, and spiritual camp for kids of all ages. Every morning there I wake up with a smile on my face, and I am like ā€œ YESSSSS Iā€™m still here!!!ā€ I never want to leave. CYC has outrageous counselors there that give courage to be yourself and to love and adore God!" - Isabel

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