Olympics Thursday

Today has been wonderful here at Catholic Youth Camp. Following breakfast, we began our day with Mass. The Mass was beautiful, and the chapel was filled with song and praise. At the end of Mass, the Eucharist was exposed for Adoration. During Adoration, our campers had the chance to enter into the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was an amazing morning of Sacraments and Christ’s love.



Following Adoration, our Olympians attended a camp-wide carnival! There were many games, obstacles, and a face painting station. After the carnival, our Olympians headed to Friendship Circle to perform in an all-camp talent show! Our dance class performed for us, and they were so amazing! We also got to enjoy a skit put on by our fantastic drama class! Our campers revealed their individual talents of song, dance, and other skills on the stage at Friendship Circle.



Talent Show

Following dinner and Praise and Worship, our campers attended the Catholic Youth Camp bead ceremony. During the ceremony, we reflected on the five Cs of CYC: community, charity, cooperation, courage, and Christ. Amanda, our Programs and Operations Director, read the story of the five travelers who traveled the world in search of the key to life, finding that they were the five Cs. Our campers were given necklaces with beads, indicating their dedication to living out the five Cs here at camp and in the world as they leave CYC tomorrow.

At the end of the bead ceremony, campers were given the opportunity to add leaves onto our C Tree. Each leaf represented an act that revealed community, charity, courage, cooperation, or Christ here at camp. These acts were seen in campers throughout the week. This tradition gave campers the chance to offer thanks and love to their new friends, friends that played a role in bringing them closer to The Cross this week. The bead ceremony provided for a wonderful last evening together as we commemorated an amazing group of campers who will carry the legacy of CYC’s five Cs out into the world with them.

Posted by Media and Marketing Relations Coordinator Josie Soehnge

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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