Monday of Teen Takeover Week: Color Wars

What a great first full day of camp! Campers and counselors were BUSY having fun today!

Bright and early at 7:30 some campers chose to go to morning activities, including running, fishing, coffee (or hot chocolate) and conversation, and more…or they slept in a little! After that, a few brave souls headed down to the beach to start their day by jumping in Big Sandy Lake. Polar Bear Plunge is chilly but a great way to start the day! Breakfast was scrambled eggs and bacon. Morning chapel introduced our ‘C’ of the day (community) and then it was time for all camp games (red team versus blue team) and then cabin activities. The Red Team and the Blue Team were each given a clue that once deciphered, led them to a location around camp. They raced on from there to find the clues and puzzle pieces painted in their team color. It was exciting to see who would construct their puzzle first! The blue team took the win, but it was a very close competition. After an intense all camp challenge, cabins were busy with skits, arts and crafts, fishing, throwing (tomahawks, archery, slingshots), and playing some games on the field.

After the first two cabin activities, everyone gathered together to work on some cabin spirit activities. The cabin spirit award is the highest honor at CYC. We award it to one cabin each week. It isn’t so much a competition between cabins (although only one cabin can win), but it’s really about being the best cabin you can be. Spirit award winners are the cabin that best uses the 5 Cs, are good sports, kind to everyone, helpful, and work hard to make our community great. So all week long everyone shows their spirit with cheers, dressing alike, team handshakes, etc. Today cabins worked on painting their cabin flags, writing their cabin cheer, and other things to show their team unity.  At the same time, they were also tie dying tee shirts, which we will all wear on Friday.

Lunch was chicken patty, tater tots, fruit and veggies. Afterwards an hour of quiet rest time was just what everyone needed to recharge for the afternoon.

After rest time it was time for the first individual activity that they signed up for last night. Each activity brings together boys and girls from different cabins. Individual activity periods last one hour each and campers will do the same two activities each day. Arts and crafts, archery/tomahawk/slingshot, canoe/kayak, paddle boarding, fishing, drama, sports, swimming and rangers/outdoor skills kept all the kids busy. It was a great start to the week!

Dinner was spaghetti,  garlic bread, salad, and veggies. After we ate, cabins headed to “Primetime” which is a time to chill out and relax- campers can do a variety of activities like playing gaga, playing games on the field, playing carpet ball, hanging out in the sky chairs, visit the camp store, hang out in the art hall, or bounce around between all of those activities. It’s a great time to relax after a full day. Because of the rainy weather, campers are had some un-planned, unexpected fun inside, enjoying brownies and counselors skits/shows, having team meetings to prepare for tomorrow’s team challenges, and even enjoying a CYC rap battle! It was a ton of fun.

As the day winds to a close we head to Chapel for Praise and Worship! Praise and worship gave campers more opportunities to sing (they’ve been belting out the camp songs all day everywhere they go!) and listen to one of our counselors talk about our ‘C’ of the day- Community. After we finished up praying and singing in the chapel, we could NOT resist singing some praise and worship songs on Sunset Beach. The light after the rain was just so beautiful! Now it is off to bed to recharge for the full day ahead!

It’s been a great day at CYC!

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"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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