Monday- OPC




It was our first full day of camp today and we are having a BLAST! The day started bright and early with Polar Bear Plunge where some brave campers headed down to the beach to start the day by jumping in the cold lake! A great way to wake up for sure!

On Sunday night cabins voted and chose the 6 activities they would do as cabin groups and this morning cabins began the day with their first two activity choices. Groups were canoeing doing art projects fishing dancing and exploring the nature center.

Before lunch groups were busy writing cabin cheers and painting cabin flags. Lunch was a camp favorite (burrito! yum!!) and everyone was excited to see their counselors sing to earn their campers’ mail. After lunch campers and staff had rest time to relax after a busy morning and get ready for the afternoon ahead!

The afternoon was time for individual activities. On Sunday campers chose 3 activities (from the list of arts and crafts throwing- archery slingshot and tomahawks fishing canoe/kayak dance drama sports outdoor cooking survival skills). Cabins divide up and campers are able to meet new counselors and other campers while they enjoy their individual activities. Dinner was followed by more cabin activity time.

After dinner cabins worked on an activity called "My Life as a Tree" and had a chance to discuss being a military family. OPC is a great chance to connect with other military kids and celebrate being part of the military community.

Speaking of the military we had some special guests at our campfire this evening. We had 6 members of the National Guard who came to camp a day early (tomorrow is Military Day). They joined us for the campfire and campers had the chance to ask some questions to the panel of soldiers. Cabins also sang their cheers and showed LOTS of cabin spirit!!!

It was a GREAT first full day of camp and we are super excited for tomorrow!

Have you checked out the photo gallery yet? See all of our adventures here-

"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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