Monday of CYC’s Got Talent

 It was our first full day of camp today and we are having a BLAST! The day started bright and early with Polar Bear Plunge where some brave campers headed down to the beach to start the day by jumping in the cold lake! It was a little bit chilly so those campers were EXTRA brave! A great way to wake up for sure!

On Sunday night cabins voted and chose the 6 activities they would do as cabin groups and this morning cabins began the day with their first two activity choices. Groups were canoeing doing art projects fishing dancing and exploring the nature center. 

Before lunch groups were busy writing cabin cheers painting cabin flags and also tie dying tee shirts (wait until you see the campers rocking their brand new tee shirts on Friday!). Lunch was a camp favorite (chicken tenders! yum!!) and everyone was excited to see their counselors sing to earn their campers’ mail. After lunch campers and staff had rest time to relax after a busy morning and get ready for the afternoon ahead!

The afternoon was time for individual activities. On Sunday campers chose 3 activities (from the list of arts and crafts throwing- archery slingshot and tomahawks fishing canoe/kayak dance drama sports outdoor cooking survival skills). Cabins divide up and campers are able to meet new counselors and other campers while they enjoy their individual activities. Dinner was followed by more cabin activity time.

It’s CYC’s Got Talent Week so we kicked off the week sharing some of our counselor’s talents. CHAOS stands for "Counselors Have Another Outstanding Skill" and so instead of teaching the usual activities counselors offered some activities they are interested in. Campers could sign up for the following: Singing with Will Horizontal Rock Climbing with Grace Swahili lessons with Moses Yoga with Erin movie making with Kayla and Griffin and Olivia time with Natalie. It was a lot of activity! 

It’s been a full day of fun but there’s still more to come! This evening we will play our favorite camp game called Angels and Demons. Angels are positioned throughout the forest and campers must take a piece of paper to each angel to get it signed and then bring the paper back to the bucket. The team with the most papers wins. However if they are tagged by the demons (don’t worry- it’s just counselors!) they have to give up their paper and try again. Campers have to be fast clever and strategic!

After A&D we will all head to the chapel to end our day with Praise and Worship! Yesterday we learned about all 5 Cs and focused on courage. Today we will be discussing cooperation and singing at the top of our lungs as we praise God!

Have you checked out the photo gallery yet? See all of our adventures here-

"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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