Making Camp More Affordable


Financial Aid

Apply for financial aid online- click here

Financial assistance is possible through our generous donors.

  • CYC is unable to fully fund campers.  Financial aid is available for the cost of camp only up to 50% of camp fees on a sliding scale. Some applicants will receive offers of less than 50% aid.  Not all applicants will receive aid.
  • Registration including $100 deposit is due per camper with application for financial aid. 
  • Financial Aid applications are due April 30.  No late or incomplete applications will be considered. CYC will notify all applicants of their determinations by May 15. 

If the awarded amount is insufficient for your camper to attend indicate on the

determination letter by June 1 and the $100 deposit will be refunded. 

Only Financial Assistance applicants are eligible for a refund of their camp deposit. 

·      All camp fees must be paid prior to attendance at camp.  If payment arrangements are not honored you will lose the amount already paid. 


·      Financial aid cannot be combined with the Family Discount or applied to the Sampler session.  Financial aid CAN be combined with the Early Bird specials.  

 Please follow these steps in requesting financial assistance:

1.    Financial Assistance Application deadline is April 30.

2.    Register Online at for each child planning to attend camp.  You will be asked if you are interested in applying for aid and directed to complete the form online. If you do not have internet access you may request a paper copy from the office.  Camper must be registered to be considered for aid.

3.   Note checklist on confirmation emails for required additional materials. 


Host a Camp Recruiting Party



  • For every NEW camper you recruit you can earn $25 off the cost of camp for your camper. 
    • Email Director Natalie to schedule a party.
    • Invite families who have never been to CYC to attend.
    • Natalie will bring a short DVD and give a presentation to tell guests about CYC.
    • For every new camper that registers you will receive $25 off the cost of camp.
    • Parties last 30-60 minutes.
  • Don’t have time to host a party?
    • Email Natalie to get a personal recruiting code.
    • Hand the code out to as many people as you can!
    • For every new camper that registers using your code you will receive $25 off the cost of camp. 



  • Use our sample letter or create one of your own to send to family friends neighbors local businesses community organizations or your church.
  • Ask for a small donation towards the cost of camp- $1050 $100- it adds up quickly and pretty soon you can earn your way to camp!
  • Donations are not tax deductible
  • Donations can be sent directly to the CYC office
  • Don’t forget to send a "thank you" letter upon receipt of every donation
  • Once your camper has been to camp follow up with another letter including photos and descriptions of all of the fun things the camper got to do by going to camp!

Download a sample of the donation letter here: userfiles/Camper Donation Letter- 2011.pdf




Payment Plan

Contact the CYC office (651-636-1645) to set up a payment plan. Pay $50/month and before you know it you’ll be paid in full!


"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

Help Support CYC