Crazy Daze- Tuesday

 What a perfect day at CYC! It was perfect for a morning filled with archery canoeing sports geocaching fort building and much more. Many of the cabin groups have been visiting the fire tower to climb up and look out over Big Sandy Lake (the group this morning even saw the CYC pontoon on the lake).

After a delicious lunch and cabin rest time campers divided into individual activities. The drama groups worked on their skits for the talent show the arts and crafts kids were crafting the sports group played several different games fishers fished swimmers swam campers shot archery/slingshots/and threw tomahawks canoers canoed and outdoor adventure campers built a tee pee! It was a busy afternoon!

On Sunday about 20 campers opted to sign up for the optional camp overnight. After individual activities campers packed their gear and headed over to the campsite for an afternoon and evening of swimming games cooking over the fire sleeping under the stars (well in a tent but CLOSE to the stars!) and having fun in the great outdoors. 

The rest of the campers enjoyed all camp swim followed by ravioli for dinner (yum!). After dinner we headed to the friendship circle for the tuesday campfire. We were entertained by a hilarious counselor show sang lots of songs and then we made s’mores while singing more songs.

After the campfire we ended the day in Praise and Worship. Our ‘C’ for the day is Charity. In addition to listening to a talk about why charity is important we raised the roof and shook the rafters with our enthusiastic singing (accompanied by the CYC Jam Band!). But wait there was still more fun to be had!

After P&W we headed into IP Lodge for karaoke game night popcorn and hanging out. Even Griffin and Olivia (the camp dogs) joined in the fun (bulldogs love popcorn).

We are having a blast and excited for more adventures tomorrow.

Have you visited the CYC YouTube channel yet? Check out slideshows from previous weeks goofy videos of camp staff and much more! 

"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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