Tuesday of Gauntlet Week

 Another fabulous day on the shores of Big Sandy Lake! We had a busy early morning with early morning running fishing a circuit workout and dance polar bear plunge and then breakfast (french toast sticks) and chapel. Cabins were busy with cabin activities and then it was time for our second Gauntlet challenge!

Cabins raced around camp collecting plastic eggs that had been hidden. Each color represented a different number of points and the number of points you earned= how many mini marshmallows your team got. Campers had to use marshmallow shooters to shoot the marshmallows to their counselors. Marshmallows that were caught got to be kept. However many marshmallows you had at the end was how many you had to use to build a tower using marshmallows and dry noodles. Whichever team built the highest freestanding tower won the competition! It was intense!

Lunch was hot ham and cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Then it was time for rest and then 2 hours of activities! The campfire cooking group made monkey bread over the fire. The fishing group snagged some good sized fish! Everyone was busy!

Dinner was tacos and cabin free time and then it was time for our favorite camp game- Angles and Demons! Campers are divided into two teams. Campers have to run through the forest and go to each of the three angels stationed throughout the woods. Campers get little scraps of paper signed at each station and once they have all 3 they bring it back and put it in their team bucket. Whichever team has the most at the end wins! BUT there are also demons scattered through the forest and if they tag the campers the campers have to give up their paper and try again. You have to be fast or you have to be clever to sneak around the demons. Either way it is a blast and everyone loves this game! 

It’s hot outside so after lots of running it will be time for an ice cream social! YUM!

The week is going so well and we are having a blast. Cabins are not just competing for the Golden Gauntlet Glove but also the most prestigious award at camp- the Cabin Spirit Award! The Cabin Spirit Award is given to the cabin that has the most camp spirit. But it’s not just about who cheers the loudest but also who follows the 5 Cs who supports not just their own cabin but others who best represents CYC. All of our cabins are in the running for cabin spirit because everyone is encouraging excited and living out the 5 Cs (courage charity cooperation community and Christ). We have the BEST campers around!

"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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