Monday of Build/Demolish/Build

It’s our first full day of camp and it was a perfect warm sunny day today!

A large group of brave souls started their day at 7:15 by marching down to the beach and jumping into the freezing cold water in one of our favorite rituals- polar bear plunge!!

Breakfast was waffles and sausage! Yum! 

Our ‘C’ of the day was COOPERATION which was learned about by a hilarious skit at morning Holy Ground. 

After morning prayer and raising the flag we headed off to cabin activities where groups canoed played sports did arts and crafts and did team building activities. 

At 11:30 cabins painted cabin spirit flags and also tie dyed tee shirts!

After a fabulous lunch of sloppy joes and french fries and a much needed midday rest it was time to start individual activities. Campers went fishing played sports learned about drama did arts and crafts went canoeing shot bows and arrows went swimming and to cooked yummy snacks at campfire cooking. It was a full afternoon!

Dinner (beef stew) another short rest and then it was time for our first build/demolish activity.

Inside of the lodge there was a scene that included a kayak a chair and several other items from around camp. Campers had 30 seconds to look at the scene and then they had to run around camp collecting the items and had to rebuild it exactly as they remembered it. If they needed to re-look at the scene their group would be penalized by 1 minute. The first team to complete it correctly would win! Every last detail had to be correct (the direction of the paddle the placement of the ball etc) and it wasn’t easy! But the campers did a fantastic job and after the L1 guys won they cheered on all of the other teams until everyone achieved the goal!

The teen service group was very busy today as well! This group of 9th-12 grade campers is here at camp doing some different things than just normal camp activities. Today they went on a little adventure to Chengwatana Farm ( to volunteer. They got to learn about the black welsh mountain sheep organic farming help with landscaping and help in the garden.

After dinner they took some much needed rest and then took a pontoon ride and went swimming to relax after a hard day of work!

At praise and worship for evening chapel we sung songs said the CYC prayer and heard one of the counselors give a talk about cooperation. 

As if the day wasn’t jam packed enough after chapel it is time for our FAVORITE all camp game- Angels and Demons! Campers must run to each of the three angels hidden in the forest to get a small piece of paper signed and then bring it back to their team box. Whichever team gets the most paper wins! But there are not just angels there are demons too and if they tag you you have to give up your paper and start over! Campers need to be quick clever and a little bit lucky!

Whew! What an amazing first day!

Have you checked out the CYC photo site yet? Be sure to keep up with our adventures though pictures!

"I love how every night we do devotions. And Sunset beach is the best place to hang out, and our cabins are very awesome too!!! Sweeney is very fun. We always have the dance party there, which is my favorite thing. They always have fun activities and we always like doing them." - Isabel

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